Friday, February 6, 2015

La Raza Resource Center

CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH-  For this week's post I want to write about a place that held a significant role in my life, well my college life that is, La Raza Student Association. La Raza is a cultural organization on campus, it's purpose is to meet "the social, cultural, political, and academic needs of Raza students on campus." Through this organization I was able to learn more about myself, my family, my history and my community. This organization shape who I was and made me think where my life is heading to. Because of Raza, I decided to minor in Chicano/Latino Studies, I wanted to know more in depth about my history and where my people come from.

When I first started college a few years back, I never planned to be involved in any sort of organization and especially a cultural organization. Thanks to two people who help me get myself involved in this organization and from there I started to make new friends. I was involved in La Raza for almost four years and within those years I served as a member and as an board member. In the years that I was in Raza, there was a place on campus that I considered my second home like how La Raza used to be my second family. La Raza Resource Center. It was the perfect place to be despite how torn up it was. Let me take you a virtual tour:

As you walked in the door this is the first you thing you see, computers, yes working computers. I remember the many laughs and conversations I use to have with my friends. It's been a year and it seems like it's been forever that I haven't been there.


 In the next room, a little bit more wider and larger than the computer room. This space was occupied with people talking, laughing, making jokes, etc. Don't assume just because there was a lot of laughing and talking you could not get any studying done. If the door was close, that meant don't disturb people are studying or taking a nap and usually they would respect it. The board, was use for announcements, messaging board but usually as a drawing board. People would just doodle random stuff.

Seriously. I miss this place. This was the only place on campus that I felt right at home. I just want to share a little bit of my life with you all. Hopefully one day that La Raza Resource Center will get a new location, I love the place but it's a death trap. People in the ASI or whoever is in charge should not be greedy with the money.


So long for now...

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez 9:55pm

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