¿ Q u i é n s o y y o ?

"A woman who writes has power. A woman with power is feared. In the eyes of the word, this makes us dangerous beasts. - Gloria Anzaldua 

My name is Margarita (m aa r - g aa - r EE - t aa ) I prefer when people pronounce my name the way it's suppose to be said, it gives it more meaning. I''m 25, a college graduate from California State University, Long Beach a Bachelors in Education. Currently, I'm pursuing my goal to become a history teacher for middle school, to inspire and challenge students about their history and their future. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California for my entire life and now seeking opportunities to move. I consider myself a writer, but not the kind who writes grammar free; I choose to write freely with no rules or anything. I like to express myself  freely, and if the people who read my writing comprehend my writing well that's fine with me. 

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