Friday, January 30, 2015

Job Interviews

Who likes going to Job Interviews? No one does, and especially for a job industry that one is not familiar with. I thought I was well-prepared to go into these interviews and kick some ass but turns out I need more practice than I thought. I had the confidence and the positive mind set to feel good about myself but it wasn't enough.

At the start of the new year, I've been applying to every store that I could think of and out of all stores I've applied only two called me back. One was for a position as a team member in Chipotle and the other as a store associate in Payless. Well, both interviews were okay but were not the best and I walked out I felt like I could have done better. I had a second interview for Payless today and turned out to be a group interview. It was a panel 12 girls and across from us there was the District Manger and 3 store leaders. It was intense, I was a bit nervous but I thought I had control myself with the responses that I gave. And for Chipotle's Interview, it was also a group interview but I knew this would have serve me as a practice before today's interview and it did a little.

What's the deal with group interviews? Anyways, I learned several things for these interviews, I need more practice in speaking and being able to get my ideas through. I hope next time I'll be more prepare.

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez 9:39pm

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