Thursday, January 8, 2015

The First Date

South Gate, CA- 
I told myself that I was not going to allow myself to be disrespected and played with again. But how can I prove myself if I don't allow myself to meet new people? Today, I decided to give myself a chance and decided to meet someone, his name is Junior. We have been texting for almost two weeks and due to unfortunate event on Saturday that caused me to cancel on him, well we rescheduled it for today. At first, I was a bit nervous because this was the first time that I was not expecting anything unlike those other times. Today was different, yes, we met and we talked but today also felt like we were on our first date.
When I first got on his car I didn't know what to say or do. I could not even look him in the face; I was nervous and felt like I was going to say something stupid. We first ended up at Taco Bell because he was hungry so we stop to get some food. At first, our conversations were empty, but as we drove to the park, our conversations started to get better. He's an alright guy, I thought. So then, we arrived to South Gate Park that's where everything started. We both acted like we were actually on our first date rather our first meeting. We walked over to the playground and asked me to get on the swings, I laughed and I did just for a while. He pushed me after I told him that I could do it myself. I must admit that was kind of cute. Then we walked for a bit and started talking about the squirrels that we saw as we walked. Then he hugged me, he tried to kiss me several times but I didn't let him. We walked more into the park and finally made a stop at a picnic table. We spent a while at that picnic table, we talked and laughed and finally he robbed me a kiss, And I like it. I know it' was too soon but he did it anyway. The scenery of the park was like those in the movies, the leaves were falling and the wind just blowing soft. It was truly beautiful. After we just walked some more and we left. We ended our date with him buying me starbucks.

I'm not sure where this is going but for the meantime, I'm okay with it. However, I'm not going to allow him to do anything that I don't want to. I have self-respect. Let's see how this goes. I have a date on Saturday.

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez 9:25pm

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