Friday, January 9, 2015

New Hobby: Crochet

New year, new hobby. 
In the last couple of days, I have been watching my sister and my mom making scarfs for my cousins, Emily and Ariana. For a while, I had been wanting to make a red scarf so this week I decided to make one. It's not that hard, it's actually fun and easy to do. The picture below is actually how the scarf is coming out and hopefully it's done by tomorrow so I can wear it on my date with Junior. 

The picture on the top shows a little headband that I made with a some leftover pieces of yawn I had laying around. When I was in school I had an Art class which involved us to do some crochet and I had some yawn left over. So I decided to do something and without realizing it I made a headband. Then, I started to use the orange yawn, I wanted to make a beanie but as you see there in picture it didn't come out so I decided to make it to a flower and attach it to the headband. For being my first try, it didn't come out so bad; I just need practice. 

Let's hope I make more scarfs throughout the year. 

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