Friday, January 16, 2015

Old Friend

Tonight, I had planned to writeabout the closure of Compton Fashion Center but instead I want to talk about an old friend. I told myself that I was never going to mention him in any of my future posts but somehow I feel like tonight is an exemption. I don't recall if I had given him a name here but let's say his name was Eddie. The reason I decided to isolated his name from the blog was because I thought if I mention him it meant I still cared for him, and in that time I didn't want to care for him because what the harm he had caused me.

The reason that I'm bringing him up again is because I met up with him yesterday. Yes, I know stupid move Maggie. Why do I do this to myself, you may be asking, well to be honest I don't know. I just wanted to see if any of the old Eddie and Maggie were still there and you know what, there was, but just a little, like 35%. Both of us took a different route in life, he joined a fraternity and I decided to do my own thing. And ever since then, we've been distanced and we hadn't hung out for a while. The last time I had seen him was that La Raza's Dia de los Muertos Event at CSU Long Beach, and even then we didn't talked much. Every time I see him, it's like the only thing I could see is the new Eddie and not the one that I use to know (prior to Vegas).

From last night's adventure, I wondered if I really knew who he was and if he really knew who I was.
Questions surge during our conversation, I would mention things what we had done and spoke in the past and he would slightly remember or wouldn't recall of such event happening. I didn't want to argue with him so I let him be. I didn't care anymore, I really didn't.

However, I must admit that I had a lot of fun with him yesterday and even though we aren't as close as before, I'm okay that he's still in my life. I know now, that he's not the person who I thought he was and I'm okay with it. We are two different people now and each of us has to respect the other. I guess, the whole thing with him is over and finally passed it. It took me a while to get here but I'm happy.

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez 11:05pm 

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