Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Saturday Night

A little over an hour ago, I arrived back home from the movie theater, and one might assume that I saw a movie right? Is it possible to leave the movie theater without actually watching a movie? Well, in my case that is possible, my sister and I had planned to go see the movie Furious 7 but something occurred.

I should have guessed, it was the opening weekend of the film and should have expected the popularity of the film due to the late actor Paul Walker. My sister and I stood in line and realized that the 8:15 and 8:30 showing of the movie had sold out. And the only time available after that was at 9:30pm personally I didn’t have a problem with that but I guess my sister did, so we left. I may have been a little upset on the way home, I guess because I hardly go out anymore, I was really looking forward to watching the movie. But now, I’m a bit relaxed and enjoying my Caramel Frappe from McDonalds as I watch my favorite soccer team play.

My Saturday night was not what I expected but that’s how life is. Things don’t always go the way we want them to be. Hopefully I get the chance to see the movie next weekend when the theaters are not packed.

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