Friday, January 23, 2015

Compton Fashion Center Closing

Compton, CA-  The Compton Fashion Center (2100 N. Long Beach Blvd) is closed. A few weeks ago a friend posted a picture similar to the one shown above, and I was stunned to find out that they were actually closing it out. A while back a friend told me that there were rumors about closing it down and I didn't believe him. However, several weeks ago, my mother had taken my sister and I for fruit smoothies at the fruit market that is located next to the fashion center. My mom asked the owner of the booth about the rumors about the closing and he confirmed it to us that the Compton Fashion Center was closing within a month. I was not surprised when I heard that it was closing it's doors to the public. In the last couple of years, the indoor swap meet had not been successful like in the past. 

This past Thursday, January 15, 2015, the doors of what once called Sears has closed it's doors for good. There have been rumors about a Wal-Mart taking over of this beloved historic place but no one has confirmed it. As a kid I remember spending most Sundays shopping at the center with family. I remember stopping at the snack corner to buy some nachos and an Icee. Those were the good old days, and now it's just an empty building. I was not the only one who was shocked about this news. In the last few days, I had been scrolling down on Instragram using the #comptonfashioncenter and I've noticed how many are sadden about the closure. 

 The Compton Fashion will be missed and hopefully something better comes along and I'm not saying Wal-mart. 

Here are some pictures that I took a few days ago: 

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez 8:44pm

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