Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday

 Growing up I remember this day being more about the egg hunt and the Easter baskets instead about the Resurrection of the Lord. I remember my mom driving my sister and me to my grandparents’ house where we would gather with my aunts and cousins for our annual Easter celebration. But those days seem like forever now, I don’t remember the last time I spent an Easter Sunday with them. Now, I spent my Easter Sundays with my family, and usually we would make a whole day out of it. In the past years, we would wake up early and attend the 7 morning mass and then go to the park and have a Carne Asada, but this year was different. 

This year’s Easter Sunday was more significant compared to other years. I felt like I finally understood the meaning of Easter. This year's Easter Sunday's celebration at Our Lady of Victory, in Compton was a bit delayed. My family usually attends the 2pm service however we were surprised to see both parking lots full when we approached the church. Minutes later we realized that the mass before us, the noon mass, had not finished. Which then caused the mass to start a little bit late than usual. Anyhow, during the homily my attention was solidly at Father Francisco as he talked about the meaning of Pascua. The words he said made a lot of sense, how Jesus Christ came in to save us from our tomb, a tomb of darkness and full of sin. I reflected the words the father had given and if we want to be save from ourselves and from sin, we must be willing to open our hearts to him. 

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez    10:05pm

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