Tuesday, February 24, 2015

No More Perfect Smile

If I was ashamed of smiling because of my yellow teeth, now I have a better reason not to smile anymore. Today I was told that there was no way in saving my broken tooth and the only possible solution is to get the tooth taken out. I just came back from a dentist appointment I had in my mother's dentist, I had already seen a dentist but my mom felt that there was another way to save the tooth without extraction, but just like the other dentist he agreed that there was no way of saving it.

I'm not surprised that this is happening to me. Ever since I had my braces taken off I had not visited the dentist office often as I should have. I guess it's my fault because I knew I could not afford visiting the dentist and especially afford the fillings for the cavities. So I ignored the problem for several years and I know I'm paying for the consequences. The dentist provided me with several options for my tooth lost, I have implant and bridges. And by the way he explained the two options and I think the bridges might be the only solution. Before anything, I think things through before making a final decision, especially financial wise.

I must admit I'm a bit terrified and not only because of the process of the extraction of the tooth but the feeling that I will have a gap between my teeth. I never imagine my teeth were so bad that I needed to get them remove. Before I had braces, the dentist had to remove 4 of my teeth so the rest of the teeth could be align better, so I know the feeling of getting my teeth remove. I feel so ashamed and guilt for not taking better of my teeth. A person's smile is an important feature, more important than a body figure; a smile is what makes each individual special.

Take care of  your teeth and visit your dentist regularly, that way you won't end up like me. Just think, it's only one tooth what if my other teeth are damaged as well.

Here's to a long road to dentists visits. Wish me luck

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez 12:37pm


  1. Awww! It’s sad that you weren't able to save your broken tooth. However, at least you now learned that you should visit your dentist on a regular basis, so he could check up your teeth constantly. That’s okay, Maggie. As what you’ve said, it’s only a tooth. You still got plenty to take care of. In any way, I hope you're faring great. Thanks for sharing that! All the best to you!

    Isabel Phelps @ Buck Head Dentist

  2. It's sad that your tooth was not saved, but on the other hand, there are now different ways to fill in that gap just like implants and bridges. I'm sure the dentist gave you lots of options for that. How are your teeth now? I hope that there's no more problem with them. Take care of them well, Maggie! Have a great day!

    Tyler Williford @ Marzo Smile

  3. Oh Maggie, I am sorry to hear about your tooth. It is a hard lesson, but as long as a lesson is learned then at least it won’t be for nothing. A good friend of mine used to always say, “the key to a long and healthy life is a proper regimen of oral hygiene.” He was kidding, but if you think about it, it’s true. Best of luck!

    Felipe Roberson @ Philly Dentist
