Sunday, January 18, 2015

Behind-the-Wheel Practice

This new year, I told myself that I need to get my driver's license not only because it's a requirement in most job postings but also because I need to be self-sufficient and I can't always rely on my family. So, for the past few Sunday mornings my father has taken my sister, Nancy and I out for driving. Usually, it would be my sister and my dad the only ones who would be there in the car, however today was the first time my mother was willing to witnessed how I drove. She's a bit skeptical about how my sister and I drive and today was no exception. She kept pressing on my dad's seat beat thinking it was the break, like the back seat had a break, not only she it once or twice but almost the whole drive. Whenever she saw Nancy or I mess up or thought we were doing something wrong she would press on the seat belt and my dad would complained to her. I mean, I understand she worries about our safety but things like that make me nervous and put more pressure on me. 

Each Sunday my dad would directed my sister and I to a different route to drive, to spice it up, I guess. Today we drove by several cities including Lynwood, South Gate, Maywood, Boyle Heights and Downtown Los Angeles. My sister and I take turns whenever we drive, and usually she's the one who starts first however today I was the first one who took the car. I drove to the gas station and from there, I drove all Atlantic Blvd until getting to the gold line that ended in ELAC (East Los Angeles College). As I drove, my dad would comment on certain things that I could improve on such as stopping and having plenty of space between each car. There was a crucial point in which I had the opportunity to make a U-turn but I felt scared and doubtful in my capability to make the turn so I decided to go around instead but eventually I had to make one. There is no escaping the U-turns. We ended my route in McDonalds and from there my sister took over. 

In that hour, however, there weren't a lot of cars but just imagine when there is traffic, how will I react to that? Our driving session ended at Compton Fashion Center where we practice our parking skills and for being the first time, I think I'm good at it, well I think so anyways. 

Overall, my driving skills are still in that initial stage by that I mean, I could start the car, maintain the speed indicated, and switch lanes. There are still several things I still need to improve, mostly parking and turning are the TWO most important ones I need to focus on.

Margarita "Maggie" Hernandez 12:27pm

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